Wednesday, May 21, 2014

4.0 Google Panda Come at Your Door!

4.0 Google Panda Come at Your Door!
Today new update of panda launch. Its called Panda 4.0. It heats low quality content sites and up the good authority sites. This time is also a damage period of loaning sites. The time is for clean up the bad links from web. This time hit two major things on web -

  • Bad links profile
  • Low quality content

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to Un Follow Twitter Followers ???? Get Answer

After exchanging or getting a large list of follower in  your twitter account. Are you stuck about it? You want to delete all?

Do you want to unfollow 100 user in a time?
Are you searching a script which can help you to unfollow twitters followings?

I do a search today and get a very good script in Chrome
Lets try :
1 Open after log in
2. Open in chrome, select tool>Java script
3. Paste this line $('.following .follow-button').click(); window.location.pathname = '/following'
4. Enter
5. Wait, Lets relode the window, and see the reduce no of following list.
6. Enjoy, have a cup of tea. :)